About Wollongong Harmony Chorus

We are a group of women who get a buzz out of singing, and are dedicated to producing the ringing chords of 4-part a cappella harmony – and we have a great time along the way!

The group had its beginnings in March 1990, after a small group of 18 women were inspired by a performance of the visiting Sydney Town Chorus. For almost 30 years our chorus has been continuously growing, adapting and changing with the times.

Our members come from all walks of life - students, mums, business and professional women. We're all different, but we share one thing in common: we love to sing and we love to perform! Our repertoire ranges from timeless classics to recent hits.

Our songs are arranged in 4-part harmony style... voices only!  We are versatile performers, requiring no instrumental backing or mixing, and bookings may be arranged for events on any scale, from large concert or open air productions through to smaller events.

We belong to an international organisation of women's a cappella choruses called Sweet Adelines. This organisational support means we regularly receive coaching from international vocal coaches, always a highlight of our year!

If you love to sing, pop in for a visit. We'd love to meet you!

Copyright © 2025 Wollongong Harmony Chorus