Latest News

  • Open Night - June 27th
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 20 Jun 2024
    Open Night - June 27th
    Come along to our free OPEN NIGHT on Thurs June 27th from 7.30-9.00pm. Join us to sing some warmups and simple harmonies then listen to a few of our songs and watch how we make improvements. Stay for supper! Parking next to McDonalds.
  • Family & Friends Concert
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 1 Mar 2024
    Family & Friends Concert
    Come and enjoy a 1 hour a cappella concert at the Ribbonwood Centre, Dapto at 8pm on Thursday March 21st. Support our Learn to Sing participants as they join us singing the songs they've learnt. Gold coin donation at the door and supper's included.
  • Learn to Sing 6-Week Course
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 10 Jan 2024
    Learn to Sing 6-Week Course
    Join us for a 6-week Learn to Sing course every Thursday night from Feb 15th to Mar 21st, 2024. We'll learn Good Day Sunshine from the Beatles to sing at a low-key Family and Friends concert on the final night.

    Whether you sing high, low or in between there's a part that will suit you. Reading music is not necessary as you'll have access to audio tracks to practice your part.

    The course is $60 which includes sheet music and learning materials. Tickets can be purchased here: 

    If you have questions, please email us at: or DM us via our Facebook page.
  • Media Release: Hitting a High Note
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 11 Jun 2023
    Media Release: Hitting a High Note
    They say winners are grinners, and there’s a lot of grinning going on in the ranks of the Wollongong Harmony Chorus.

    After winning the choir section of last week’s Eisteddfod, the local group held the coveted trophy high – and rightly so. Their win had come on the back of a spectacular showing at the National Barbershop singing championships a month earlier, when they nabbed 2nd place (Div A) behind Melbourne Chorus.

    But it hasn’t been all beer and skittles for the chorus. The Covid years have been a challenging time for musicians in general, and community choirs in particular. Performances were cancelled, and even rehearsing and social singing were off limits. Life became very tough for community singing groups.

    But good things come to those who wait. When 2022 saw a return to the stage and rehearsal hall, the Wollongong chorus was off to a flying start. Performance requests rolled in from U3A, Probus, local councils, as well as a welcome resumption of their much loved role – singing in the Town Hall for our newest citizens on Australia Day. Life was back on track for the girls from Wollongong, and they haven’t looked back.

    If you’ve never been treated to the amazing harmonies of the Illawarra’s very own home-grown a cappella ensemble, now’s the chance to hear for yourself. The chorus is planning an Open Night on Thursday 20th July, so keep the date free and watch for further details in the media and socials over the next couple of weeks.

    Or check out for notice of upcoming appearances, information about a cappella harmony singing, and clips of past performances of this multi-award winning ensemble.

    Wollongong Harmony Chorus – they’re not just back, they’re hitting it out of the park!


    Wollongong Harmony Chorus rehearses every Thursday from 7:30pm till 10:00pm in Kurrajong Hall 1, the Ribbonwood Centre, 93-109 Princes Hwy, Dapto. Visitors welcome.
  • We are SO BACK!
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 19 May 2023
    We are SO BACK!
    Words can't describe how we felt as we assembled on the steps of the Brisbance Convention Centre on Saturday 6th May, ready to take our competition package onto the national stage.

    To recap: We had worked like trojans in preparation for the 2020 Convention - we all wanted to put on our best performance for (at the time) new Director Liz Hah. Then suddenly Covid arrived, the Convention was cancelled, and the rest - as they say - is history, Three long years worth of history. 

    Like singing/performing groups the world over, we worked hard through restrictions and lockdowns - zooming, performing virtually, doing whatever it took to keep ourselves singing and our group going, through this most difficult period of our chorus history.

    Now, at last, stunningly led by Elly Upsall and masterfully coached by Jan McCarthy, we were able to take the package that had been put together by Liz all that time ago, and deliver it for the judges and audience in Brisbane. 

    We loved our time on stage. We thought we did well. We felt like we had finally kicked the Covid monkey off our backs.

    But then, when the results were announced, the unexpected thrill of being awarded 2nd Place in the Small Chorus Division - and 8th place overall - well, that was indescribable. 
    (Director Elly Upsall and Team Coordinator Judith Burns accepting the award.)

  • Celebrating Wollongong's newest citizens!
  •  Date Posted: Wed, 1 Feb 2023
    Celebrating Wollongong's newest citizens!
    We love singing at the local Citizenship Ceremony each year, and this year was no exception. The acoustics in the Town Hall are wonderful, and the newly minted citizens always make for a proud, happy and appreciative audience.
  • Catwalk Quartet Singing: Monday Monday
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 29 Sep 2022
    Catwalk Quartet Singing: Monday Monday
    How fun to have Catwalk Quartet perform for us tonight. They sang the Mama's and Papa's song Monday Monday. 
  • Yay! Finally Able to have Coaching
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 8 Sep 2022
    Yay! Finally Able to have Coaching
    How wonderful to have the fabulous Lea Baker come and coach us on Thursday. After 3 long years of lockdowns and restrictions we are finally feeling like we're back to normal. Lea certainly gave us plenty of things to work on in our competition songs and added some fun improvements to our expression. It's so good to know that we are 'in good shape' with our Competition songs so early on in our run up to Brisbane 2023. Bring on Brisbane!
  • Small Group Aint Misbehavin'
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 1 Sep 2022
    Small Group Aint Misbehavin'
    These ladies 'Aint Misbehavin' as they sing this classic song. We were delighted to be entertained by this small group performing for us at chorus. The expression on their faces show us what a fun song it is to sing. 
  • Christmas In July
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 1 Aug 2022
    Christmas In July
    We dusted off our Christmas outfits and our Christmas repertoire on THursday as we celebrate Christmas in July. Songs, games, and a oke or two were the order of the night. A lovely Christmas supper rounded off the evening and gave us an opportunity to catch up with our chorus friends. 
  • Media Release: Iconic Local Singing Group Celebrates 30 Years
  •  Date Posted: Sat, 25 Jun 2022
    Media Release: Iconic Local Singing Group Celebrates 30 Years
    The Wollongong Harmony Chorus will celebrate its 30th anniversary next Saturday, 25 June 2022. 

    From humble beginnings, the group rose to become one of the most recognisable vocal ensembles in the Illawarra, performing at Citizenship Ceremonies and other local and community events, headlining their own shows, and representing the local region at a national level.

    Specialising in four-part a cappella harmony, the Chorus has provided vocal coaching and development to a generation of Illawarra women, and provided them with the opportunity to take their skills onto the stage.

    The past three decades have seen the musical group grow, adapt, and change with the times – the most far-reaching change coming two years ago when the pandemic threw the world of performing arts into chaos. However, the group has now emerged from this enforced hiatus, strengthened in its resolve to bring its ringing harmonies back into the rehearsal hall and onto the stage.

    Musical Director Liz Hah is excited about the celebrations. “Saturday 25 June will be all about celebrating, with past and current members, our achievements over the last 30 years, and also looking towards our future.”

    Although this invitation-only event is fully subscribed, the Illawarra won’t have to wait too long to once again enjoy the sounds of this beautiful unaccompanied ensemble, with local performances on the horizon for U3A and the Kiama Festival of Choirs. And prior to travelling interstate to compete nationally early next year, the Chorus is planning a sneak peek performance to thank the local community for their ongoing support.

    Keep an eye out in the local media, or visit for more information.


    Wollongong Harmony Chorus rehearses every Thursday from 7:30pm till 10:00pm at the Ribbonwood Centre, 93-109 Princes Hwy, Dapto. Visitors welcome.
  • Rain, Hail or Shine, We are Back At Ribbonwood!
  •  Date Posted: Thu, 10 Mar 2022
    Rain, Hail or Shine, We are Back At Ribbonwood!
    Thursday the 10th of March 2022 we are back singing at Dapto Ribbonwood Centre. We can't wait to be having our rehearsals face-to-face. Rehearsals start at 7:30pm. Let us know if you'd like to visit!
  • We're transitioning to live rehearsals in Feb and March.
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 4 Feb 2022
    We're transitioning to live rehearsals in Feb and March.
    This February we're still singing on Zoom, but in March we'll be singing together outdoors, before moving back to indoor singing at the Ribbonwood Centre in April. Let us know if you'd like to visit!
  • We're back rehearsing at Ribbonwood
  •  Date Posted: Sat, 27 Mar 2021
    We're back rehearsing at Ribbonwood
    After rehearsing with a combination of outdoor and indoor singing for the past 8 weeks at Living Hope Baptist Church, Corrimal, we've made the move back to our rehearsal home, The Ribbonwood Centre at Dapto. Visitors are welcome to drop by any Thursday evening!
  • What are we up to?
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 18 May 2020
    What are we up to?
    Our chorus is still continuing, separate, but together. Until the social restrictions are lifted we will be conducting our chorus rehearsals online with the magic of Zoom. 
    We hope to be able to get together at the Ribbonwood Centre soon. Stay tuned. 
  • We're back at rehearsal!
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 27 Jan 2019
    We're back at rehearsal!
    We're back from our post-Christmas break and getting straight into a new song: This Is Me from The Greatest Showman. A great way to start the year! Here are our baritones going through the music.
  • Singing at Dapto Mall
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 17 Dec 2018
    Singing at Dapto Mall
    We've loved singing at Dapto Mall this Christmas. Since we rehearse right across the road, it truly is a local performance. We're there again this Friday, Dec 21, from 11am-2pm!
Copyright © 2025 Wollongong Harmony Chorus